November 25, 2016


screen-shot-2016-12-13-at-11-54-22-am screen-shot-2016-12-13-at-11-54-49-amMND  ALS Patient Progression – monitor , track and contribute to research. Over 50+ key metrics of Motion, Range, Velocity, Dexterity, Fine Motor Skills, Voice , Respiratory, Supplements , Medications , Nutrition, Clinical Trials and other key Vitals. We are the forefront of PCOR.

PCOR – “Patient Centered Outcomes Research” is the #1 movement  leading the change in the entire medical field.

MND ALS Patient progression research is about to join the new millennium of technology driven precision medical research. By leveraging mobile apps to capture telemetry , biometrics and expanding on developments based on personal tracking fitness and health.

The first end-to-end complete longitudinal research dataset ever assembled


Watch this 2min video about how together we will change research forever !

Become iNVOLVE{d} get eNGAGE{d} – BigData / Research / Analytics. Whether you’re a pALS / cALS or someone who loves or lost someone due to ALS / MND.

Our Research involves EVERYONE. Sign-up to join this global research project !



MND can be classified into four main types depending on the pattern of motor neurone involvement and where the symptoms begin.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP)
  • Progressive muscular atrophy (PMA)
  • Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS)

Your donations to the MND – ALS Patient progression project will ensure that “Every patients journey is different” and “Only time will tell” will become sayings of the past.

We need everyone not just pALS so there is valuable comparisons between patients and people not affected by ALS / MND.

Solid research is based on the simple principal that a control group is involved to compare and contrast findings against. This allows for the development of a set of baseline readings and measurements to track outcomes against. To accomplish this goal we urge EVERYONE who loves a pALS, or lost a warrior to please join us.

Don’t wait another 90mins. Every 90mins someone will die from ALS / MND. Every 90mins a loved one is diagnosed.

Click donate or join the research using these links or in the top right menu.