one of our favorite comments from Jay
"Each day I seek things to lift my spirit and help me grow, because tomorrow I have another chance to be a better me. A better father. A better husband. A better human being"
We hope you find that this snapshot into 3 of Jay's posts about family and friends as inspiring as we do ....
July 25th -
Becoming me. When I was diagnosed I had one of two choices, to fade away or to become a new person. A rebirth of sorts. Kind of like an addict coming clean, without all the cigarettes and coffee. Unlike an addict my physical condition would deteriorate as my new life began.
Instead of getting stronger I would become feeble. Instead of taking charge I would have to be taken care of. Instead of healing I would suffer. So here I am. A new man. And tomorrow I will become a newer me. Everyday I try to seek out new meaning. I no longer worry about politics, the latest iPhone, or keeping up with the Jones'. Oddly however I do still worry about the electric bills. What I really worry about now is making sure every day is filled with love. Making sure I don't waste a chance to laugh. Reflecting every night on what I have, not what I don't. With a failing body I am forced to overcome mentally what I can't physically. Each day I seek things to lift my spirit and help me grow, because tomorrow I have another chance to be a better me. A better father. A better husband. A better human being. I have learned that if your goal in life isn't to leave this world a better place, you need to reexamine your goals. Once you do you'll be surprised how easy it is to be a better you. #Every90Minutes
July 2nd -
Tomorrow we leave for our annual Cape May vacation. It's bittersweet to go on the same vacation every year, same location different Dad. Family tradition can't be the same because we have to adapt to my changing abilities. The first year of diagnosis I taught Loghan how to surf. The second year I still managed to uh, surf.h. It might not be the same, but it's still going to be awesome. #SurfsUp #Every90Minutes
March 2016 -
Awesome time hanging out with this guy before the SXSW premiere of Gleason. It was a brutally raw look in to the struggle for love, life, and family while facing a terminal illness. I was really blown away by the honesty, it's a rare look into someone's soul (and someone's enema). The only thing stronger than Steve's desire to live is his drive to be the best father he can be. I didn't expect to laugh as much as I did, Michel was really quite funny, you too Blair. I left feeling uplifted, determined, and inspired. The entire Team Gleason crew is just incredible